
88 results

If you can’t silence them, SLAPP them: a new wave of judicial attacks hits Bulgarian media

If you can’t silence them, SLAPP them: a new wave of judicial attacks hits Bulgarian media

Court cases targeting critical journalists and publications intensify

The Week: Dirty photos from a dirty past, A certificate you can’t travel with, Burgas port is for sale

The Week: Dirty photos from a dirty past, A certificate you can’t travel with, Burgas port is for sale

K Insights 12/11: elections are upon us, polluted air also

A call to action: a National Plan for Cardiovascular Health is urgently needed

A call to action: a National Plan for Cardiovascular Health is urgently needed

The experts have reached a consensus; the ball is now in the institutions’ court

The week: The cynicism of demographic mourners, final week of parliamentary dramas and GDP records

The week: The cynicism of demographic mourners, final week of parliamentary dramas and GDP records

Politicians play deaf and blind on stagnant vaccinations, but mourn demographic collapse, pensions, GDP go up - and so could concession fees

The silent gas war Russia is winning

The silent gas war Russia is winning

After decades of dictating the natural gas imports in Bulgaria, the Russians are intent on entering the internal market and reshaping the sector

The Week: Plovdiv wins clean air battle, no cabinet in sight and an Olympic gold

The Week: Plovdiv wins clean air battle, no cabinet in sight and an Olympic gold

Can you clean Plovdiv in a year, why industry in Bulgaria shut down for a week and who jumped into the deep end of politics

Bankruptcies on the rise. That's not as bad as it sounds

Bankruptcies on the rise. That's not as bad as it sounds

The number of companies that ceased operations in the first four months of 2021 rose by 15% year-on-year. Meanwhile, newly registered firms are also increasing.

The week: Kings of corruption named, Fresh start looms, 5 companies got 400 million euro from the budget

The week: Kings of corruption named, Fresh start looms, 5 companies got 400 million euro from the budget

K insights 04/06: budget swings back to negative, Sin Cars get funding

Journalists SLAPPed, threatened and pressured; cabinet purges "kalinki", while Left and Right gear up for elections

Journalists SLAPPed, threatened and pressured; cabinet purges "kalinki", while Left and Right gear up for elections

The troubles of being a journalist in Bulgaria, every final decision is penultimate and who are the ladybirds of the administration

Construction business: the largest builder in Bulgaria

Construction business: the largest builder in Bulgaria

How Veliko Zhelev turned his Hidrostroy company into an empire

When long-time leaders refuse to leave; the shortest-lived Parliament in a 100 years; tourists are welcome

When long-time leaders refuse to leave; the shortest-lived Parliament in a 100 years; tourists are welcome

K Insights 30/04: What do football and politics have in common, dubious court about to be disbanded

Elections looming large, prosecutors denied and how Bulgaria remains at the end of the GDP tail in the EU

Elections looming large, prosecutors denied and how Bulgaria remains at the end of the GDP tail in the EU

K Insights 5/03: Controversial changes to the media law were postponed, Eurohold wants to raise 100 mln euro on the stock exchange

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